We all dream of a perfect world, where the lamb lies down with the lion, where we can all just hug it out. Even if that day comes, we're certain of one thing: Celebrities will never get along. Click through for some of the all-time greatest celebrity feuds, and vote for your favorites in the Battle of the Stars.
In June 2014, while accepting a BET Award for Best Female Hip Hop Artist, Nicki Minaj took a shot at Iggy Azalea by saying that "When you hear Nicki Minaj spit, Nicki Minaj wrote it." (Iggy didn't write "Fancy" and other songs, so everybody took it as a slap at her.) Though Nicki tried to qualify her statement later, the seed had been planted: Nicki had created a juicy controversy (she's a controversy ninja), and knocked a rival down a peg. Girls can be so mean......
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